Tuesday, August 26, 2008

School's Back in Session!!!

I love my son immensely. Those who know me, know that there isn't anything that I won't do for him. However, we have been joined at the hip every single day since June 12 when school was officially over. I have had eleven weeks of unadultered bliss of together time. Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week for the past eleven weeks. That's been a barrel of laughs. We have had our moments where we really didn't like each other and some unkind words have passed through our lips. Sad, but true.

I am happy to report that school is back in session. Half days but who the hell cares. I get a few hours of time to myself and not have someone screaming "Mom, Mom, MOM, MOM!!!!!" He's happy to have had a reunion with Rafel, a child he went to Piper's Hill with. He's met up with Nick and is busy making new friends. I've met some moms who are part of the school community and will be busy with school activities again pretty soon.

In the meantime, I will start my job search once I get this place under control. The boxes are being worked on and things have been donated to Goodwill. Lots of books have gone to the library and I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my friend Margaret so I can pawn off this huge contractor's bag and humungous box to her.

Stay tuned for Matthew's reintroduction to Chinese school. That's going to take place right the weekend after Labor Day. I can't wait!