Boris and Irina have both been an important part of our lives. They have big hearts and they love Matthew immensely. Boris was solely responsible for introducing the Kinder eggs to Matthew. It's a chocolate hollow egg with a toy inside Matt has loved those thing ever since he was small. Of course Boris would over indulge him buying a carton at a time instead of one. I think he really loves to make Matthew happy. Thanks to Boris' introduction, we were roped into buying the Kinder egg Advent calendar this Christmas. That's 24 eggs, one for each day until Christmas. You really don't want to know how expensive the Advent calendar was, especially in China. Even though Boris and Irina are half way around the world, they were there in spirit as Matthew held those eggs close to his heart and smiled.
So, Uncle Boris and Aunt Irina will be spending a quiet Christmas holiday at home so Boris can recover. We'll be home as well, Shanghai I mean, doing the same so that we can spend time as a family which is the true spirit of the holiday.