Two years ago, I suffered a severe nasal hemorrhage while on a business trip. I returned home and had to undergo a rather unpleasant experience with my ENT doctor. It took over two weeks to recuperate and I was hoping never to have to go through that again. Fast forward, a year later, four months into our residence in Shanghai, and it happened again to me. I landed at the emergency room one weekend in November. Luckily, it was a very good expatriate hospital. This is where I meet Dr. Gang Fei. ENT Specialist and someone, I've spent more time with than I care to admit.
Last week, I suffered another nasal hemorrhage. Tony was away on a business trip (as usual) and I had to get Ina to come and stay with Matthew. I returned to the emergency room. Dr. Fei was contacted and his first response: "It can't be the same Susan." He walks in, and there I was. Waving "Hello" to Dr. Fei. He takes a look and tells me "Don't worry. I will take care of this. I will feel better sending you home after this." So, I returned home and stayed home like a good girl. Tony returned from his business trip and we went back to see Dr. Fei on Saturday. Dr. Fei informs me, "You can't have the packing removed yet. You need it for a few more days." Meanwhile, I've been on every antibiotic, antihistamine and what not known to man. The doctor tells me to rest and "No talking. It will be better for you." I don't know if he was advocating for me to shut up on Matthew and Tony's behalf. For those who know me, you know that I don't do the "shutting up" thing. Needless to say, 45 minutes later, I was back at the hospital again.
After a rather unpleasant weekend of on and off bleeding, I return to see Dr. Fei on Monday. After telling him all the unpleasant events, he looks at me and says "You need emergency endoscopic surgery. I must perform it this afternoon. Please return to the hospital by 2:00PM. You will have to stay overnight." OK. Emergency surgery wasn't exactly high on my list of things to do. I ran home, packed an overnight bag and returned to the hospital.
I had to endure the MOST painful procedure under LOCAL ANESTHESIA. I have a very high tolerance for pain. For me to say next time, (let's hope there won't be a next time), the procedure will be done under general anesthesia, will give you a general sense of what I'm talking about. Meanwhile, Dr. Fei was chattering away in Mandarin with me during the procedure and he tells me "I know you hate me. It's part of the job." My response- "I am way past hating you at this moment. You have no idea what thoughts are running through my head." He laughs and tells the nurse, "I like Susan, she has a good sense of humor!" I told him, in my broken Mandarin, laced with Cantonese and English..."I am not kidding."
The procedure was supposed to take 30 minutes. A little over an hour later, I am back in my room. Tony and Matthew check on me and they go home. Nurses were great. They were checking on me every hour. I checked out of the hospital yesterday and received the bill for my emergency surgery. The total cost for this "party", complete with medicine, nursing care, cost of the room, food and what not: 32,687.09 RMB ($4,245.00). Priceless.
Who said that things in China are cheap? Luckily, it wasn't an appendix operation. Do you know how much damage I could do at Saks Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus and Bergdorf Goodman's with $4,000? I would be parading up and down Fifth Avenue with shopping bags galore.
Let's hope that I won't have to go through that all over again. I hope the next time I see Dr. Fei, it will be under better circumstances- like at a social event with a glass of wine.