Today, I took him to get his haircut. He knew exactly how he wanted his hair cut. As I sat in the chair next to him and listened to him tell the hairdresser to cut his hair "spiky" so he can "gel it up high", I realized that Matthew is going through his rite of passage. The passage that will take him from childhood to teenager in just a few short years. I watched as he was getting his hair cut and remembered his first hair cut, his first dental appointment and all the first moments that we've shared together. I have a feeling that I am not going to handle the changes that are going to occur well. Then again, in my heart, he will always be my baby. The baby that made me declare to Tony- " I love him more than you". Tony thought I meant that he didn't love Matthew. I repeated my statement again. Tony understood what I meant. It's true though, your child will always take precedence over your spouse. I don't care what anyone says.