Well, the adventure has begun, sort of. I have been discussing my Shanghai assignment for 5 months now and I am finally getting the contact, housing and schooling information needed to decide where we will live. I was in Germany, (Braun), 3 weeks ago to attend meetings regarding the Asia Technical Center, (ATC) . That trip gave me a good sense of what to expect "job wise". There is going to be lot of traveling within China, Germany and possibly the US. Susan started discussions with IP on her Shanghai assignment. Although preliminary, things look good.
Susan, Matthew and I will be traveling to China for a "Look See" trip within the next month. During this time we will be looking at schools, apartments and general area. Susan will probably be interviewing with IP people in China during this trip.
We haven't told our parents yet. I am not looking forward to telling them because I know it's not going to go well. We decided to sell the house instead of renting. I just seemed too much of a logistical nightmare to deal with tenants from the other side of the world. Besides, the housing market for sellers is still good so we might as well take advantage of the situation.