I can't believe that the summer is drawing to a close. It seems like it was just yesterday that Matthew got out of middle school and graduated. I spent the summer working from home and drove Matthew daily to his volunteer job. He spent most of the summer working at Pipers Hill, his former child care center. He was assigned to work with the two to three year olds and found out first hand, how much work little kids can be. Not to mention, he would come home every day with kiddie snot all over his clothes. Nevertheless, he was a real good egg. Armed with his supply of hand sanitizer, he had a good time with the kids. One of the kids drew a picture of Matthew and it's now hanging in his room. Quite cute.
We also had visitors as well. My sister Sandi and nephew Nicholas came to visit and we had a great reunion. Matthew even took Nicholas to work one day. Kind of like a show and tell display. Tony's cousin Laura and her son, Simone, came to visit from Milan, Italy and we did the usual sight seeing and spent some quality time with them as well.

The weather this summer was hot and humid and then we were hit with a barrage of non-stop rain. Tony and I scheduled some vacation time and did some touristy things as well. We stampeded into New York and set upon exploring Central Park. Something I haven't done in a very long time and Tony and Matthew never really experienced the real beauty of Central Park. We picked a beautiful day, packed up a picnic lunch and wandered all over the place. Starting off at Columbus Circle, we strolled all the way up the West side of the park and then cut over to the East side and exited out through Grand Army Plaza. We strolled down Fifth Avenue, I got to window shop along the way and walked over to Rockefeller Center and then continued down to Times Square. Total mileage clocked that day, 6.75 miles, complete with barking dogs.
Now, the summer is drawing to a close. Labor Day is around the corner, Matthew will be starting high school before the end of the month and I dread thinking about the fall and winter season that will be upon us.