Hectic day today. The usual Saturday morning frenzy running around all over town for Matthew's activities. We arrived home just in time to pack up the car, close up the house, and head up to Mystic, Connecticut to get him to the Daughters of American Revolution State Award Ceremony Dinner. Of course, Murphy's law. You've got to be someplace, there is
ALWAYS an accident on I-95. There was a 10 mile backup that caused major mayhem. I thought I would be smart and get off the highway and take Route 1 up. Yeah, no way. That was even worse. Hopped back onto the highway and just gritted my teeth all the way up. The trip shouldn't have taken more than 1.5 hours. It took us almost 3.5 hours to get there. We arrived just in time to get dressed and barrel out the door for the dinner reception.

We met up with the Stamford Regent for the Daughter's for American Revolution, Mr. Fox, Matthew's principal and the Stamford Chapter Member for the award dinner. It was an honor to be in attendance at the dinner since it was filled with lots of pomp and pageantry. We found out that Matthew beat out 43 other entries for the 7th grade category. That was pretty special. Matthew was getting nervous since he was supposed to read his speech to the whole entire room. There must have been about 250 people there. Due to the tight schedule, all the kids who were the first place winners got a reprieve. Matthew was
so happy that he didn't have to get up and do his first public speech.

The evening ended with Matthew chatting with a representative of Sheldon's Horse. We learned that Sheldon's Horse is a re-established military and historical organization. The unit participates in a lot of ceremonial, educational, civic, and historical activities, mainly in the Northeast United States. We found out that Sheldon's Horse supports and participates in many historical programs on the American Revolution throughout the region. It was a pretty spectacular day for Matthew. One that I doubt he will ever forget.