Packed up the car and took off for the long weekend. Drove down to Washington, D.C. where May and the kids and Sandi and Nicholas were meeting with us. We had planned this trip for months in coordination of seeing the Terra Cotta exhibit that is currently at the National Geographic Museum. We decided to see if we could get clearance to visit the White House, National Treasury and other historical sites. After clearing security clearance, we were approved to tour the White House. I went ahead and planned a full day of sight seeing for Saturday. We started bright and early at the Washington Monument, moved onto the Capitol Hill, jockeyed over to The White House and ended the day at the National Archives. The kids were really tired when we finally sat down for dinner.

Of course, the next day, we were just as jammed packed. We met at the National Geographic Museum and saw the amazing Terra Cotta exhibit that is currently there. The exhibit was sold out for the weekend we came down for but somehow, May managed to score the tickets that we needed to gain entrance. I am not going to ask how she did it or how much it's going to cost. It's all part of the experience of being on this trip. We split up after the exhibit and headed over to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum and to the Museum of American History. We managed to complete three museums in one day and were really tired. Tony, Matthew and I went over to Chinatown for dinner.

Last day and we were driving back up to Connecticut but wanted to hit some additional sights. We headed over to the Jefferson Memorial, Iwo Jima, Arlington Cemetery, the Lincoln Memorial and the National Cathedral. It was a jammed packed weekend full of running around. The kids had a great time and even learned a bit of history. We'll do this again sometime in the near future and will plan a longer stay next time so we can see the other sights that we didn't get to hit this trip.