Okay, so for the past two years in China, Susan was a "Tai Tai" which means women of leisure, boy she hates that expression. Anyway, she basically stayed at home and did laundry and cleaned, you know, fun stuff. You see, Susan has been working since she was 13 years old. At first, I thought not working was going to drive her crazy but then she made some good friends and she was never at home again. In fact, she would wait until I left for work in the morning and she was out the door with her friends, shopping, getting her nails done, eating at the best restaurants and only God knows what else. This was fine because she was able to focus her energy and time into something she enjoyed.

Susan is like a hamster, she can't sit still for more that a couple of seconds at a time. Luckily, she found some friends or I would have had to install one of those wheels that hamsters run in just to calm her down. Well, we are back in the US and she is still not working. The job market is in the crapper and there are not many jobs to be had right now. So she needed a new outlet since her friends are now 8,000 miles away.

The outlet, my friends, is cooking and baking which she does very well. "So what's the problem?", you ask. Well you see I am like a dog. I will eat until I explode if someone didn't take the plate away from me. So everything she makes, and I mean
everything, I eat. As a result, I am now a quivering mass of fat, like jello in plastic wrap. Even my lunches are a gastronomic delight. I am the envy of the lunch crowd at work. The three courses of food, the anally retentive way she wraps each individual piece of lettuce and tomato in plastic wrap so they stay fresh to the two desserts she packs. God I hope she gets a job soon so I can fit into my pants again.