We have been doing alot of the domestic things that families do on a daily basis. Susan found many places to shop (no surprise, if you know Susan). She has explored the train system and we have been taking the train everywhere. The train system is modern, clean and cheap. This probably doesn't seem like a big deal to you, but this was a major achievement. Susan and Matthew are picking up the language faster than me. I've been travelling everywhere. I've been to Beijing, Korea, Shenzhen, Dongguan and 5 other provinces that I can't even remember. It is hot in Shanghai, it's Africa hot, Tarzan couldn't take this kind of hot and did I mention humid? It's like living in a giant humidor. That was very suprising for me because Shanghai is about the same latitude as New York.

Susan and Matthew found the
Grand Gateway in Xuijiahui. They took me there over the weekend. It's a very large mall that is very similar to what you would find in the States. There's a floor devoted to electronics (yes!), there's a Nike Store, Disney Cuties, Hello Kitty, Rubbermaid, Hallmark, Formula One and other brands that we're not familar with. It was interesting to see the different stores. The mall had two floors full of restaurants and we had a very cheap Thai lunch for 129RMB (that's about $16 US) complete with three dishes and cans of Coca-Cola.
An old family friend of Susan's is currently working in Shanghai and was kind enough

to take us to this resort area called
She Shan. Hard to believe that is was about an hour from the downtown Puxi area and not too far from where we live. It's the Le Meridian hotel and we had afternoon tea there. The hotel had a lot to do for kids and Matthew even caught some fish in the pond- about 15 of them and he was ready to bring them home and adopt them. Susan had to convince him that the right thing to do was to return them back to the pond. She wasn't ready to be a surrogate mother to 15 fishes. So, Matthew and I returned the fishes into the pond.
We're awaiting our first visitors to our new home. Matthew's Godmother May and her two children, Jocelyn and Joanna and Auntie Momo are currently in Hong Kong and will be arriving in Shanghai this week to stay with us. Matthew is very excited about this and has been anxiously awaiting their arrival. Susan and Matthew will be off and running all over Shanghai with them as they explore the city together. There will be visits to the Shanghai Science Museum, the Acquarium, French Concession area, the Bund, the Pearl TV Tower, the Insect Museum and if Susan can squeeze it in with three kids, shopping as well.
Matthew will start school after May and the kids leave. He's anxious to start so he can meet the kids in his class.